Products — Electrovet Pasta

Electrovet Pasta

Electrolytes + Carbohydrates + Carnitine + Glycine.


  • Rehydrating, with balanced formula for rapid oral replacement of electrolytes lost in the physical effort of the horse.
  • It provides simple and complex carbohydrates, quickly available energy, which gradually raises blood glucose levels, being a good source of energy throughout the exercise.


It is a rehydrating product, with a balanced formula for rapid oral replacement of electrolytes lost in the physical effort of the horse. It also provides simple and complex carbohydrates, quickly available energy, which gradually raises blood glucose levels, being a good source of energy throughout the exercise.


Each 100 g contains:

Fructose 7,08 g
Fruitsoligosaccharides 0,83 g
Maltodextrin 2,50 g
Glycine 2,50 g
Carnitine 8,33 g
Calcium 0,43 g
Chlorine 23,97 g
Magnesium 0,71 g
Potassium 4,37 g
Sodium 13,33 g
Excipients and Flavors q.s. 100 g


Maintenance or replacement of electrolytes in different situations: training, competitions, convalescence, diarrhea, travel, loss of appetite, stress, surgery, parasitosis, etc.

Therapeutic Action:

Fructose: Fructose is absorbed more quickly than a similar amount of glucose. Improves performance in moderate and prolonged intensity exercise.

Fruit-oligosaccharides: They are natural carbohydrates, classified as probiotics that are not digested by mammalian enzymes and are selectively used by beneficial bacteria: Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. It also lowers the intestinal pH by controlling the population of harmful bacteria (Clostridium sp. And Staphylococus sp.) At the intestinal level, causing greater use of nutrients, decreased energy losses and improving mineral absorption (mainly Ca, Mg, P, Fe). The common diet does not provide the necessary Fruit-oligosaccharides for a beneficial physiological response, therefore, it is necessary to supplement it.

Maltodextrin: It is a polymer with about 9 glucose molecules. It promotes a lower increase in osmolarity compared to monosaccharides such as glucose. Maltodextrin minimizes disturbances of osmolarity, thus avoiding disturbances in the speed of the gastrointestinal tract. Maintains blood glucose at adequate levels during the practice of moderate and prolonged intensity exercise.

Glycine: It can be converted to creatine, important in the energy metabolism of muscle tissue. Dimethylglycine precursor. It improves the performance of the animal athletes in physical vigor, performance and recovery, diminishing the presentation of cramps and muscular fatigue; specifically it decreases the accumulation of lactic acid in the body and can increase ATP levels. In addition to being an ergogenic substance, it acts as an oxygen utilization factor, a detoxifying agent and a cell protector.

Calcium: It is the most abundant mineral in the body, it is essential for the integral functionality of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. It is necessary for muscle contraction, stabilizes heart rate and blood pressure, is important in neurotransmission, maintaining muscle tone and nerve excitability, regulating the release of neurotransmitters at the synaptic junction. It is necessary for the maintenance of the acid-base balance of the organism.

Sodium and Chlorine: They are the electrolytes that are lost the most with sweat. Important for extreme perspiration activities. These electrolytes function to control intracellular activity and communication between cells. They are also involved in the total regulation of body water and in maintaining the proper acid-base balance that allows the cell to function properly.

Magnesium: Mineral that intervenes in energy metabolism, protein and fat synthesis, neuromuscular transmission, elimination of ammonia and calcium deposition in teeth and bones. Necessary to absorb calcium and vitamin C; converts sugar into energy. It is found in large amounts in muscles. Among its actions, magnesium promotes muscle relaxation, regulates heart rate and maintains muscle permeability.

Potassium: It is one of the main electrolytes in the blood and the most important cation in the intracellular medium. Its balance with Sodium is important to maintain homeostasis and osmotic stability of cells. Important for the water balance of the cell, it maintains blood pressure, promotes depolarization of the nerve cell, promoting neurotransmission, regulates muscle contractibility and heart rate. It has great importance in muscle contraction.

Carnitine: High levels of L-Carnitine are present in the heart and muscles of Horses. L-Carnitine plays a vital role in muscle metabolism during exercise, determining the capacity of an athlete animal, both in speed and resistance exercises. L-Carnitine forms the transport system that moves fatty acid molecules into the cells' mitochondria for energy production. It also inhibits the production of lactic acid in muscles, which helps delay the onset of fatigue. Furthermore, L-Carnitine prevents the formation of fatty acid complexes within cells, which can damage the membranes of muscle cells. Carnitine is essential for the normal functioning of the heart and supplementation is recommended in animals with heart failure. Intense daily exercise can result in a loss of Carnitine that cannot be replaced by diet or it may be deficient in this or its precursors. This can lead to a low level of Carnitine in muscles, which results in an inability to use fats as an energy source, causing muscle weakness and dysfunction. Furthermore, this deficit can cause functional alterations and cardiac hypertrophy and liver problems. L-Carnitine supplementation has been shown to improve the performance of horses in endurance, as fatty acids are the main source of energy, and in speed for playing an important role in facilitating aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, decreasing the production of lactic acid and therefore delaying the onset of muscle fatigue.

Dosage and Administration:

The recommended dose is 5 g per 100 kg b.w. (1 measure of the syringe Every 100 kg b.w.). Anaerobic exercises (quick exercises, between 3-10 km), where it is necessary to replace 2 to 10 liters of water, associated with 15-25 g of ClNa and 10-14 g of ClK: 1 dose 4-6 hours before the test and another dose after the competition. Aerobic exercises (endurance, between 40-160 km) where it is necessary to replace 20 to 50 liters of water, associated with 130-300 g of ClNa and 80-200 g of ClK: 1 dose 4-6 hours before the test and 1 dose Every 20 km or 2 hours of competition.




50 g syringe (2 doses)
